Sleepers - Daily Fantasy Football Picks for FanDuel, DraftKings, DraftDay and Draftster for Week 17 Could you be luckier? We're prepared to send you a free eBook on how the pros set both daily fantasy basketball AND football lineups, free of charge! Check out the details, and get your copies now! Don't make another lineup before reading these books! Each contains crucial mistakes your competitors, and maybe you!, are making.   Ready to make the leap and get access to the exclusive projection system that produces these picks? Sign up now and get a free 3 day trial to our lineup construction tool for FanDuel, Draftster, and DraftKings. And now - for the next month - you can get access to our Football projection tools AND our baseball projection tools for the same price! Sick deal.   Sleepers Weekly disclaimer: Want our week 17 picks? Go check them out. The whole concept of a sleeper in one week fantasy football games needs to be adjusted. First of all, there's no real such thing as a "sleeper," in that you're not really going to sleep on a guy until he wakes up. What you're looking at with cheap plays are guys who are priced very reasonably who could go off if all things break right. Sniffing out the best cheap plays with upside is really the only way to have a chance in hell at taking down some of these utterly massive NFL tournaments. You'll pay up for the big names, and then hope your bargain plays pay off. That's where we come in - here are some sleepers that we love for Week 17. On to the picks Branden Oliver - FD 5300 DK 3500 DD 6800 DFSTR With Mathews definitely out for week 17, there's some chance we see the Oliver we saw when he was the feature runner mid-season. The Chiefs are incredibly stingy against the pass, so it stands to reason that Oliver could be in line for quite a game. Jacquizz Rodgers - FD 4500 DK 3600 DD 6950 DFSTR 3000 Devonta Freeman - FD 5100 DK 3600 DD 7350 DFSTR It looks like Rodgers is going to get the bulk of the work at this point, but you can believe that the Falcons are going to try and keep Cam and the Panthers off the field as best as they can. While the offensive line has been a huge issue all season, these prices are so low that it pretty much doesn't matter. For now I'm leaning toward Rodgers, but I'll keep my ears open for any news as we get closer to kick off. Doug Martin - FD 5200 DK 3300 DD 8000...