DFSR’s Daily Fantasy NBA Podcast for DraftKings and FanDuel Tuesday 4/4/17

DFSR's Daily Fantasy NBA Podcast for DraftKings and FanDuel Tuesday 4/4/17

It’s a packed Tuesday pod with the NBA returning from their relative one-day hiatus. It’s late in the season but a lot of the teams going tonight actually have things to play for. The guys talk about some of the bigger money plays like Lebron, Jimmy Butler, Giannis and what to make of New Orleans tonight with some injury stuff hanging out there.

They also discuss some of the punt-style point guards like Ron Baker, Matthew Dellavedova and Jamal Murray.

Then there’s whether Russell Westbrook is just too expensive now.

Finally Doug jumps on with PGA writer Chris Durell to discuss this weekend’s Masters and how you can begin putting lineups together for DraftKings and FanDuel.

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Doug Norrie